Beyond Sunday - Good In Tension Week 4

• The prescription for avoiding having to learn the hard way is simple. Give God the praise He deserves, follow His ways, and walk humbly with Him. Simple is not always easy though, is it?
Read: Psalm 13:6, Hebrews 13:15, 1 Peter 1:3
Explain why, in general, God deserves praise. Why do you personally owe God your praise?
Read: Psalm 119:59, 139:23-24, John 14:6 
Why is it important that we consider our ways, and ask God to search our hearts? Can you give an example of a time when God revealed to you some offensive way in you, and describe how that changed your life?
Read: 2 Chronicles 7:14, Psalm 25:9, 1 Peter 5:6
Explain why God values humility so much. What does it mean to you that He will lift you up in due time?

Pray: This might be a good time to revisit and use that A.C.T.S. prayer model (adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication) in your prayer time. Praise God for who He is; confess any areas where you still battle against sin, especially the sin of pride; thank God for all He has done for you; ask Him for what you and/or others need. You can learn more about the A.C.T.S. model here.

Next Steps:
• We all need to surround ourselves with a community of others fully surrendered to God, a community that will support us as we strive to walk humbly with Him, following His ways. Check the website here to see what groups might fit your schedule.
• If you have not yet completed Rock Hills’ Growth Track, learn more and sign up here.
• If you have completed Growth Track and are ready to serve, reach out to the church by calling (785) 775-0012, or email to, and you will be put in touch with the right people. 

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