Beyond Sunday - Crazy Faith Week 3

Crazy Faith Week 3 Ft. Guest Speaker: Brandi Wilson
"Better than Okay"

Brandi's story of hurt and betrayal in her marriage reminds me of how God can take a life that is hurting and broken, and he can put it back together better than we could ever imagine in the midst of the valley; we just have to let Him. Brandi held so tight to her faith in Jesus and she even shared how she clung to the Scripture in Psalms 27:13 that says, "I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living."

A practical way she combatted fear, anxiety, depression, loss, hurt and so much more is she started a journal called "Focus on the Good" and she committed to writing down 3-5 things every single day that she was grateful for. It could be something as simple as ice cream on the porch with her boys that day.

What are some ways you can combat the brokenness and the hurt you are experiencing?

Is there anything that you have done in the past that has helped you in your journey with Jesus?

In what ways can someone hold you accountable to this discipline and other disciplines like reading the Bible, praying, silence and solitude, and others that will help you think and act more like Jesus?

Brandi also mentioned how one morning in her quiet time when she read Joshua 3--the Israelites had wondered in the desert for FORTY years, and they were so close to the Promised Land, but there was a massive obstacle in the way. God commanded the priests to move the Ark of the Covenant, which is the Word of God, to the front of the Israelites and normally it was in the center of the Israelites. He commanded this so that ALL of the Israelites could see God pass into the Promised Land by removing the obstacle. So, the priests did what they were told and it was this massive moment of faith because the Jordan River was at flood stage.

Read Joshua 3:6-17 to find out what happens when they allow God to lead them.

When you read these passages, what do you learn about God and His character?

Is there something in your life that you aren't allowing God to lead you in?

Brandi said as she read those passages, she felt the Lord say to her that it is not her job to lead her family out of the wilderness, but to allow God to do that. All God was asking her to do was to stand on dry ground, and trust Him.

What fear are you holding onto as you attempt walk out this life?

What fear are you holding onto as a parent/spouse/daughter/friend/etc? Evaluate your roles and ask yourself if you are truly letting God take control or if you are trying to control that person/relationship/situation.

How can you practically apply this Truth in your life?

Pray for the Holy Spirit to help you see your blind spots, and to help you let go of any control you have not handed over to Him. Ask Him to fill you with more of Him, and to help you to not lean on our own understanding, but to rely on Him and His unconditional love. 

Next Steps:
We cannot do this life alone. Brandi was able to make it through this deep valley in her life because of a deep relationship with God and through her life-giving community. If you have not already, please sign up for a small group on our RHC app or website.

The practical tips Brandi gave us for how to care for someone going through trauma and trials was excellent. She advised us to give the person in crisis you are walking with options of how you can care for them instead of just saying "Let me know if you need anything". Think through someone in your life that may be in the midst of a hard season, and ask God how you can practically serve them, give them options, and allow them to choose what can help them in this season.

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