Beyond Sunday - Crazy Faith Week 4

Beyond Sunday, Week of October 6, 2024
“Crazy Faith” Part 4

Thoughts: Back in 2009, at our previous church in KC, we had the opportunity to participate in their capital campaign. We prayerfully asked God what gift we should give, and listened for the Holy Spirit to answer. Surprised and unsure that we heard Him correctly (to be honest kind of hoping we had not), we prayed, “Really, Lord? You want us to give our entire cash reserve!?” His answer was clear and unequivocal. “Do you trust me?”
We felt confident that we had clearly heard from God, and that we were being obedient, not reckless. It was a three-year campaign, so we wrote that first check for half of our commitment despite all the what-if’s that flooded our minds. Within a very short time God provided a financial blessing that more than covered our entire gift, allowing us to give the other half ahead of schedule. God doesn't always provide financially when we give in this way, but that time He did. We recently went back for a visit there, and it was wonderfully gratifying to hear stories of how that church has blessed people. God didn’t need our help to accomplish His purposes, but we are so grateful to Him for letting us have a part in His work in and through that church. Having experienced God’s faithful provision in the past, we are moving forward, trusting He will provide again. We are all in, and can’t wait to see what He will do in RHC’s “Making Room” opportunity.

Read: Deuteronomy 16:17, 2 Corinthians 8:12
• Troy made the point that obediently giving God whatever we have is one key to witnessing miracles. The enemy of God wants to convince you that what you have to offer—be it time, talent, or treasure—is too small, too insignificant to make a difference. God wants you to know that nothing given to Him in faith is insignificant.
o What do these truths reveal to you about God, His character, and His desires for you?
o What gift(s) do you hesitate to offer to God because you think it is not enough?
o Describe a time when you gave something small, and God turned it into a much bigger blessing, for you or for someone else.

Read: Mark 10:17-22
• The young man in this story appeared willing to trust Jesus for his eternal destiny, but refused to trust Him with his finances. That seems to be a very common issue for many people today. Why is trusting God with our finances such a challenge for many people?
• Verse 21 begins, “Jesus looked at him and loved him.” What do you think Jesus saw in this young man’s heart?
• What do you want Jesus to see in your heart, specifically in your attitude toward your finances?

Read: Luke 12:16-21, 2 Corinthians 9:6-11
• God had obviously abundantly blessed the man in Jesus’s parable. Since his barns were already full, he clearly had more than he needed. Instead of gratefully giving back to God—through tithes and gifts to the poor—he hoarded his wealth.
o What does it mean to you to be “…rich toward God?”
o In what ways besides finances does God want us to be rich toward Him? Toward others?
• Not all of God’s blessings are financial or material. With that in mind, how do you apply in your life the statement that, “You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion…”?

Read: 1 Chronicles 29:14-18
• The back story on this verse is that King David had given generously of his personal wealth for the building of the first Temple in Jerusalem. He invited and encouraged others to follow his example, which they willingly did.
o What traits do you see revealed here in King David that exemplify his being “a man after God’s own heart”?
o Why do you think others so willingly followed his example?

Pray: Continue to pray over that “Crazy Faith” card you received on Sunday, praying, “What is my (our) part to play in ‘Making Room for More’? What do you, God, want me (us) to commit to?” Praise God for His provision for your needs, past and future.

Next Steps:
• We are better together, and healing comes when we gather in a community of others who want to think and act like Jesus. And it is the best way to find those encouraging relationships mentioned above. If you are not already in a RHC Small Group, join one today by going to the website or the RHC App.

  • If you would still like to participate in our "Making Room" offering, you can do that from now until December 31st as we trust God as a church family in giving above and beyond our regular tithe and offering. You can give to "Making Room" here

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