Rock Hills Church
9:30 AM
John & Tricia Kaupp
Kids Welcome!
9:30 AM
John & Tricia Kaupp
Kids Welcome!
Essentials focuses on the fundamentals of faith - the building blocks on which our understanding of God rests. We will learn "Who God is" and "How to pray" and "How to read the Bible". Whether you are new in your faith journey, a long time follower of Jesus, or exploring the claims of Christ; you'll find something here to strengthen and grow your relationship with Jesus.
Brunch Bunch
Various MHK Restaurants
11:00 AM (1st + 3rd Sundays)
Paul & Diana Nickel
Kids Welcome!
11:00 AM (1st + 3rd Sundays)
Paul & Diana Nickel
Kids Welcome!
A time to connect and share a meal together!
Anyone Welcome
Private Residence
3:00 PM
Miranda & TJ Beyer
3:00 PM
Miranda & TJ Beyer
Join us as we play games and dig into the Word!
Not what you're looking for?
Head back to the small groups main page to check out what's offered the rest of the week.