Thursday Groups


Rock Hills Church
6:30-8 PM
Paulette Eichman
Welcome to the Rock Hills Church GriefShare small group. We will meet on Thursday evenings from 6:30pm-8:00pm. Please come journey with us using the amazing GriefShare program. GriefShare is a 13-week video based format with discussion and weekly grief work using a workbook. The workbooks are graciously provided by Rock Hills Church.

Military Families

Ft. Riley
6:15 PM
Samantha & Eric Randall
Military Families - Kids Welcome!
This semester we are going through the study “The Grace course”.  Together we will immerse ourselves in Gods grace and learn to rest in Him.

Worship + Production

Rock Hills Church
6:30 PM
Lance Stafford

Our worship and media teams meet once a week to share a devotion as well as do a rehearsal for the upcoming Sunday worship set. If you are interested in joining this group, please email Pastor Lance for next steps!

Celebrate Recovery

Rock Hills Church
7-8:30 PM

Lawrence & Amanda Rodriguez + Val Allen-Montague
Anyone - Kids Welcome!
Celebrate Recovery is a 12 step recovery group based on the words of Christ. This group is all about moving forward from your hurts, habits, and hang ups.

Military Wives

Ft. Riley
6:30 PM
Ariel Hensley
Military Wives
This semester we are studying The Book Of Philippians.
The life Jesus invites us into when we follow him is one of sacrifice. But does sacrificial living mean the Christian life should be riddled with sorrow? Paul answers that question in his letter to the Philippians with a resounding no.

Paul, and the Philippians with him, lived joyfully in the midst of persecution, prison, and poverty.
In this eight-session series, Jo Saxton takes us through Philippians to encourage us to follow Jesus no matter what life throws at us.

Through Paul's words and example, learn how joy and sacrifice can go hand-in-hand.

Military Wives

Ft. Riley
9:15 AM
Brianna Allen
Military Wives - Kids Welcome!
A chance for military wives to connect and bond through a mutual love of Jesus.

Prayer Group

Brother's Coffee (Anderson)
6:30 PM
Donna Blattner
We will be praying over the requests submitted to our church each week.

Women's Group

West MHK
9:00 AM
Terri Maybee
We will dive deeper into Sunday's message and encourage one another to grow in our knowledge of and relationship with Christ.

Not what you're looking for?

Head back to the small groups main page to check out what's offered the rest of the week.