Friday Groups

Everybody Welcome

Private Residence
7:00 PM
Daniel & Elisa Karkle
Kids Welcome!
This semester we will focus on practicing our spiritual gifts as one body.

Anyone Welcome

Private Residence
6:30 PM
Jeff & Deborah Herzog

Kids Welcome!
Game night - a recap of the week, short devo, and FUN! Kids are welcome and can play games, basketball, etc.

Called to Create Group

K-State Student Union 
6:30 PM
Smoky Kelly 
Discover how you are creative like God and connect with others during this season. We’ll utilize Called to Create” by Jordan Raynor and discuss and share insights on topics like calling, work, entrepreneurship, challenges, and life. All are welcome! Let’s connect and grow together!

Not what you're looking for?

Head back to the small groups main page to check out what's offered the rest of the week.